Seminar Caserta 2011

Event Details

The aim of this seminar was to provide a training ground for young active politicians on the topic of Euro-Mediterranean political, economic, and cultural partnerships. In the seminar the participants combined debate and discussion in sessions with experts. They looked at political and economic cooperation with panels of speakers and then explored cultural cooperation with another panel of experts. After the lectures and debates YEPP held its customary working groups and council meetings in which it honed, amended and voted on working documents including a white paper and resolutions following these topics proposed by the participants. These training sessions gave the participants practice in a number of skills and practices essential to their political activities.
Three main topics were discussed in the lecture and debate sessions on the first working day of the seminar. After each panel there was discussions and time for questions and comments:
Conference Part I: “EU Policies for the Mediterranean Area”
• Maria Giovanna Sparago, Direttrice AGP Provincia di Caserta
• Giorgia Meloni, Italian Minister for Youth
Conference Part II: “Economic opportunities and environment required for cooperation in the Mediterranean Area”
• Erminia Mazzoni, MEP – Popolo della Libertà
• Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission and VP of
the EPP
Conference Part III: “Cultural, Historical, and Social Partnerships of the Mediterranean Area and the accompanying Economic Opportunities”
• Giovanni Lettieri, President of Naples’s Industries Union
• Rocco Buttiglione, UDC PresidentGuided visit to Pompeii with Expert
During the course of the second working day YEPP’s participants also received addresses from:
• Pierferdinando Casini, President of IDC
• Stefano Caldoro, President of Campania Region
• Angelino Alfano, Italian Minister of Justice
Different types of cooperation with Europe’s neighbors are particularly important issues for Europe’s youth who will foster relationships in the future. They are priorities for YEPP which hopes to foster better understanding and close partnerships. Impacts of these discussions touch both EU and non-EU countries in key policy areas.

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