Letter from a new MEP – by Sophia Kircher

by Youth of the European People's Party

Dear YEPP Friends, I’m excited to share that I’ve been elected as a Member of the…

YEPP’s Triumph: Shaping Europe’s Future in the 2024 EU Elections

by Lídia Pereira

The moment you realise that all the time you spent working on a project and fighting…

Lebanon: when resilience is no longer an option

by Edelmira Ferri Hernandez

Unfortunately, we are all too familiar with the current situation in Lebanon, the numerous challenges that…

How to perceive the Visegrad-4 and what to expect in the upcoming years – a Central European perspective

by Michael Stellwag

Ever since the migration crisis of 2015, there has been talk of a West-East split in…

Lebanon: a country in the balance, a youth that pays the price

by Youth of the European People's Party

In late February 2022, at the start of the election campaign, the EPP sent a study…

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