Recovery: Others promise, centre-right delivers

Statement by the YEPP board: It is not so long ago that world-class economists were talking about the break-up of the euro, that the voices of populism were discrediting the reforms, that the citizens’ trust in the Union was hitting an all-time low. During these years of struggle, YEPP was the only youth organisation in […]
Goodbye roaming fees, thanks to EPP Group

YouthEPP applauds the hard and successful work of the EPP Group and especially the work by rapporteur MEP Pilar del Castillo for gaining European Parliament’s support for ending roaming fees by December 2015. Ending of roaming fees will make the lives of many millions of citizens better. This decision will have a positive influence on […]
YEPP welcomes Greek presidency, expresses full trust in Prime Minister Samaras

The Greek presidency of the EU comes at a time of strong signs of recovery for the Greek economy, a result of the hard work and determination of Prime Minister Samaras to steering Greece on a prosperous and sustainable path. The country is steadily exiting the crisis while all EPP governments across the EU are […]
YEPP goes ‘Local’ at the Committee of the Regions

The Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP) took part in the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions (EPP/CoR) Group meeting for the first time on Tuesday October 8th, marking the beginning of enhanced cooperation at the local and regional level. By working together on key issues, including job creation, the future common […]
Wilfried Martens, the great statesman of Europe and Belgium

On behalf of the board and the members of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP), we express our condolences to the family of Wilfried Martens and pay tribute to the great statesman of Belgium and Europe, and the president of our political family. As a Prime Minister, Wilfried Martens served 9 successful terms […]
Youth EPP Summit creates new alliance for Job Creation and joins forces with Michel Barnier

The presidents of the member organisations of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP) met in Bucharest on the 4th and 5th of October 2013 for the “Job Creation Youth Summit” and signed a declaration for job creation, based on the ‘3-step plan’ of YEPP. The leaders of the organisations committed to present national […]
YEPP supports Greek PM in his reforming efforts against corruption and irresponsible spending of public broadcaster

The Youth of the European People’s Party expresses its full support to the new bill introduced by the Greek government on a new, transparent public broadcaster. The times of corruption and irresponsible spending belong in the past and should not be defended by any part of the political system. We call on the governmental partners […]
Youth EPP calls on MEPs to approve the MFF deal

The Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP) calls on the political groups in the European Parliament to approve the Member States’ deal on the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). YEPP is of the opinion that the deal struck after long months of negotiations represents a good balance of various national interests. The consensus […]
YEPP endorses The Open Internet Initiative

The Youth of the European People’s Party endorses the initiative The Open Internet, an ongoing project that was founded in the interest of upholding the prosperity, innovation and fundamental rights and liberties that are provided by a free and open Internet. YEPP took a clear stance against ACTA from the beginning of the debate, becoming […]
YEPP nominates Lucinda Creighton for EPP Vice-President

For the first time since its foundation, YEPP will nominate a candidate for Vice Presidency of the European People’s Party, which will hold its congress in Bucarest next week. The board unanimously nominated Lucinda Creighton, Minister for European Affairs of Ireland, former deputy-secretary general of YEPP. During her years spent in the EPP youth […]