
Remaining uncertainties regarding Youth Guarantee – YEPP calls for more measures to boost employment

Youth of the European People's Party

The Youth of the European Peoples Party (YEPP) welcomes the fact that the European Commission placed the issue of youth unemployment high on its political agenda. The recently published youth unemployment package contains a number of ideas for job creation that are worth considering. With youth unemployment reaching 23% throughout Europe, there is indeed a great need for immediate action.
The youth guarantee, recently proposed by the Commission is based on good aspirations, though there are still huge question marks regarding the ways of implementation and funding.
Beyond the proposals laid down in the Commission’s package, we find it crucial that new measures are implemented in various policy areas both on EU and national levels. Higher education systems should be better harmonised with the real needs of the labour markets, a bigger emphasis must be put on vocational trainings, young entrepreneurs should be helped by less bureaucracy, while tax burdens on youth labour should be decreased. We also find it essential that the flexible forms of employment (like part-time and online work) are promoted, while all remaining obstacles in the single market should be removed. Furthermore, young women with children should be helped to reintegrate to the labour market. Starting a family and having a career must not be contradictory aspirations of the youth.
Employment strategies can be effective only if they are based on proper funding. That is why the all budget chapters of the next 7-years Multiannual Financial Framework should reflect the aspects of job creation.
Therefore, YEPP will seek contact with the EU institutions and address the proposals of the European Commission. We believe that the final legislative text should ensure a genuine improvement of the position of the youth on the labour market and not provide for empty promises to an already disenchanted and apathetic generation. Only through a real effort can a future for Europe’s youth be secured.
The board of YEPP

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Youth of the European People's Party

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