Seminar Tirana 2009

Event Details

YEPP’s December Seminar of 2009 took place in Tirana, Albania. FR-PD hosted YEPP delegates from all over Europe in what was the first ever YEPP event in Albania. The seminar covered Albania and EU Enlargement from an Albanian Perspective, a topic very close to the hearts of a high percentage of Albanians.
Our participants profited from a plethora of interactions in Tirana at the highest levels. YEPP enjoyed lectures from Sali Berisha, Albania’s Prime Minister, Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Parliament, as well as the Albanian Transport Minister, the Minister for Defense, the Minister for EU Accession and others. Their discussions were enlightening, specifically in terms of Albanian progress and popular attitude. Particularly considering the short time frame FR-PD had to organize its seminar YEPP was most honored by the time these prominent leaders took from their respective posts. The concentration of young leaders in the Albanian government made their contribution to the Seminar poignant.
Lastly, Albania has a long tradition of hospitality which made the YEPP delegates feel particularly welcome. YEPP thanks FR-PD for your enormous efforts and congratulates you on its success.

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