Reinfeldt Club Launch

Event Details

On the 14th June and under the hospice of PM Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Youth of the European People’s Party held the first meeting of the Alumni Club of our organisation in Stockholm, Sweden.
The Reinfeldt Club will bring together our alumni from all over Europe. It bares the name of our founding president, a man who from the moment he started his journey in youth and student politics was dedicated to ideas, discussions, debate and a vision.
As YEPP we are very grateful to everyone who participated in building a bridge between the young conservatives of DEMYC and the young Christian democats of EYCD, a task many had unsuccesfully attempted in the past.
For that and especially fot the mentality and the spirit they have brought in European youth politics since our founding in 1997, we are grateful and look forward to working together for the values and principles that bring us close and make us stronger together.

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