Opinion after EPP Congress: Either we act in unity, or fail together

Last Sunday I wrote an opinion in one of Malta’s newspapers on the outcome of the EPP Summit and Congress held a few weeks ago. Indeed, it was a historical summit as the decisions made by our leaders will perhaps change the way we think when it comes to the euro and EU fiscal policy. We […]

EPP Congress Speech: Europe cannot afford to have a passive future generation

Dear Mr. President, Dear Delegates, This congress is rightly devoted to the need for renewal. We can only agree that the EPP has a clear commitment to give a new momentum to the European project. However, we also have to make it clear, that this is not possible without the support of the generations to […]

Enduring support for the Opposition in Belarus

Alexander Milinkewitsch and Vice President of YEPP Benedict Pöttering France. During the Congress of the mother party of YEPP, the EPP, in Marseille members of the YEPP have had plenty opportunities to meet and talk to various political leaders and strong personalities also of non EU countries. During a short chat with Aljaksandr Milinkewitsch, one […]

3 Days in Braga enough to deconstruct all the European Youth Forum’s stereotypes

Just a small note to begin with: The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is the official platform of all Youth Organizations in Europe, consists of National Youth Councils and International NGOs and is a recognized partner of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. I had the opportunity last […]

Nuevas Generaciones: Historical victory of the Partido Popular in Spain

The past 20th November a huge majority of the Spanish decided to finish with the socialist government and granted absolute confidence in the party led by Mariano Rajoy. With a 44.62% of votes the PP has now the responsibility to carry out all the necessary reforms to Spain to leave the crisis and begin a […]

Being present at the beginning of a new era for Spain, for EPP, for Europe

Last night was remarkable, the victory, the historic numbers of this result for Partido Popular, but especially the responsibility shown by Mariano Rajoy and his ‘inner circle’ during the victory speech. Despite this astonishing result, and the consequent defeat of PSOE, PP leader has shown to all country that is now the President of all […]

Portugal’s Economic Assistance Programme can be an opportunity to modernize our country

In recent months, there has been a natural tendency to compare the cases of Greece and Portugal because both countries have an Economic Assistance Programme negotiated with the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund and European Commission. However, one should be careful in this exercise. Each case is different both in the origins of the […]