Liberté, égalité, fraternité

At this difficult time for France and for Europe I cannot help but reflect upon the national motto of the historic French nation.   The results of the French elections have sent us a clear message, one that has been repeated throughout the member states. The citizens are tired and disillusioned by mainstream politics, turning to […]

New Commission: Europe’s last chance to inspire

I don’t want to repeat the countless statements about welcoming the new European Commission. The truth is that we are talking about a team of younger, high-level and experienced politicians who said they’re ready to invest in people, create jobs and cut bureaucracy. From the selection of common candidates to the hearings and today’s voting, […]

Freedom for Belarus

YEPP stands united for freedom for the last dictatorship of Europe – Belarus. Our delegates during summer school in Lithuania showed their support for the supporters of democracy during a manifestation.   Dictator Aliaksandr Lukasjenko got his office on July 20th 1994. Last Sunday it was exactly 20 years ago. He has remained in power […]

Our challenge is to be Better Europeans

Excerpts from a speech given by Secretary General Colm Lauder to a gathering by young politicians from across Europe hosted by Young Fine Gael, on the eve of the 2014 EPP Congress in Dublin.   5th March 2014   Today we are only a day away from when we, the EPP family, will select the captain of […]

The equity between the Generations is in danger!

The German Grand Coalition is about to vote in favor of a law which is increasing the retirement payments dramatically and will also reduce the retirement age to 63 if you have been for 45 in the statutory pension insurance scheme. The whole package will cost until 2030 Around 160 billion Euros. These is a […]

Introduction of Taoiseach at Young Fine Gael Congress

Speech by YEPP Secretary General, Colm Lauder, to introduce the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD at the Young Fine Gael Congress, November 2013.   “Those who know Young Fine Gael, will know we have never been a populist in either our politics or our policies. In fact, we have probably been the opposite, putting our own […]

Elections in Luxembourg: My support for Christophe Hansen

I am proud that Christophe Hansen, our active YEPP member from CSJ, is running for National elections in Luxembourg. I know him for his inspiring commitment to the European project, the Common Agricultural Policy and youth employment measures. Christophe, always on the side of PM Juncker was raising CSJ’s voice in Europe, and the European voice in […]

Our choice is youth politics

This summer, during the warmest days of the year, while millions of young Europeans are partying hard at the beach holding colorful cocktails, some others, less tanned, are holding switched on microphones instead. They are called young politicians.   Their friends are asking them why they choose this instead of relaxing. Instead of tagging their […]