Lebanon: a country in the balance, a youth that pays the price

In late February 2022, at the start of the election campaign, the EPP sent a study mission to Lebanon. As YEPP Vice-President, I was honored to act as a representative within the delegation. In the autumn of 2019, the Youth of Lebanon took to the streets demanding change from the corrupt elite. The “revolution” which […]
The case of Serbia – Tackling the pandemic: global challenge, domestic experiences

Last year was probably meant to be much different than what we have been unfortunately experiencing the past 11 months. Without any warning, the world faced a horrible, historic pandemic that literarily changed our way of life overnight. We suddenly found ourselves in an open war against an invisible and unknown enemy who struck the […]
Neither one nor the other. All

In the last weeks, we have witnessed growing tensions regarding public opinion associated to topics that remain unresolved in Portugal, but also around the world. With its genesis in the USA, the anti-racism and pro-equality protests, following George Floyds murder, have substantially increased. The #BlackLivesMatter movement has given a platform to discontent and indignations, but […]
Armenia: Health or Democracy crisis?
The Covid-19 pandemic is an important test for democracies around the world, including the Armenian government. The Armenian government declared a state of emergency on March 16th, which was extended for an additional 30 days on May 14th. As of May 22nd, Armenia has reported 5928 infected cases of coronavirus and 74 deaths. It is […]
The War in Syria

In 2011 the civil war in Syria started as a popular uprising of the people against their authoritarian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Eight years and about half a million dead later, the cities and streets of the country have been deprived of their proud culture and busy lives as they have turned into one of the […]
A Green Wave with the Christian Democrats is the Secret Winner of this Election

Last weekend’s parliamentary elections in Switzerland shook the political institutions like never before. There were many positive as well as negative record results that were achieved by the various parties. And yet the political landscape in Switzerland remains more stable than probably anywhere else in the world. The fact that the majority proportion has shifted […]
Elections in Austria: In Unprecedented Circumstances

Domestic politics in Europe’s nation states resemble each other in many ways. Party-families, conflict lines and day-to-day issues often illustrate how all the different societies on this continent have indeed grown closer to each other over the past seven decades. However, every nation has its own peculiarities, for better or for worse. Austria is no […]
Sustainable Europe – Sustainable Future

Finland is known for having one of the most ambitious climate goals in the EU. It is also Finland’s goal to make the EU a global leader in climate action. Finland has already pledged to become a carbon neutral country by 2035. Therefore, it is not a big surprise that Finland’s third presidency of the […]
The end of an Era: The fall of left and right wing populism (?)

Winston Churchill once said that the most efficient way to beat the Left, is to let them govern a country for three to four months. Tragically, this quote is the most accurate description of the Greek political reality. The difference between quotes and real life though, is that once left wing parties manage to become […]
The Romanian Presidency: Reality vs Aspirations

During the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council, which will include the time of the European elections, our role is not only to actively contribute to the strategic priorities of our Union for the 2019-2024 agenda, but also to safeguard and protect the way our collective interest closely follows our core European values. Furthermore, in […]