
YEPP calls for the immediate release of Belind Kellici

Youth of the European People's Party

YEPP strongly condemns the arrest of Belind Kellici, chairman of FRPD Albania, and several peaceful civil society activists and artists by the socialist regime in Albania. The destruction of Albania’s century old national theatre coupled with police brutality, especially during this global health crisis, is an act of violence that goes beyond the principles of freedom and democracy. For over two and a half years, activists have stood their ground in attempt to stop the government from destroying a monument of great historical value, both in Europe and Albania. The issue of the national theatre should have been resolved via the proposed methods of Albania’s international partners, such as the proposal of EU Commissioner for Culture Mariya Gabriel, that urged the Albanian prime minister to enter negotiations with the theatre’s protectors rather than unilaterally decide to destroy it. We call for the immediate release of all those imprisoned, and mass condemnation of this repressive policy by all our partners.

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Youth of the European People's Party

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