Spain will remain safe only with Mariano Rajoy
Partido Popular is the first political force in Spain once again, after the last general elections. Throughout the last mandate, Mariano Rajoy has brought the country back on track, after the disastrous socialist government’s economic and social policies wrecked the country, destroying more than 500 000 jobs in 2011 alone. Today Spain has returned […]
YEPP goes digital
Our summer school dipped in the changing global environment and the growing impact of digital technology in our lives. Held in Barcelona, Spain, 75 delegates came together at the invitation of Unió de Joves and their President Oriol Gil. Joined by Telefónica, Uber, Airbnb, Trip4Real and PopPlaces, we discussed the challenges faced by digital companies, […]
Recovery: Others promise, centre-right delivers
Statement by the YEPP board: It is not so long ago that world-class economists were talking about the break-up of the euro, that the voices of populism were discrediting the reforms, that the citizens’ trust in the Union was hitting an all-time low. During these years of struggle, YEPP was the only youth organisation in […]