
Postcard campaign to help young political prisoners in Belarus

Youth of the European People's Party

With Christmas and the New Year approaching, YEPP organizes a postcard campaign to express support to young political prisoners in Belarus, Europe’s last standing dictatorship. We ask you and all our member organizations to send postcards along with some encouraging words to our fellow activists to their prison. It is a small gesture for you, but a great sign of hope for them.  Sending postcard might prove that we stand by young democrats in Belarus even in the most difficult hours.
 Please send the postcards during the Christmas holidays. You can find the names and (prison) addresses underneath:
Andrey Sannikov
211445, Vitebskaya obl., g.Novopolock-5,ul. Tehnicheskaya,8,
Ispravitelnaya koloniya-10, 3-i otryad,30-aya brigada.
Mikola Statkevich (presidential candidate)
213004 Mogilyvskaya oblast, g.Shklov
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 17
Eduard Lobov (23)
225295 Brestskaya oblast,
g.Ivatsevichi, “Volchji noru”, a /ya 20
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 22
Dmitry Dashkevich (30)
211791Vitebskaya oblast,
g.Glubokoe, Str. Sovetskaya, 205
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 13
Nikolay Dedok (23)
213105 Mogilyov
Slavgorodskoe shosse , p./o. Vejno
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 15
Alexander Frantskevich (20)
225295 Brestskaya oblast,
g.Ivatsevichi, “Volchji noru”, a /ya 20
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 22
Igor Olinevich (28)
211440 Vitebskaya oblast,
g.Novopolotsk, Str.Technicheskaya, 8
Ispravitelnaya koloniya № 10
Yauhen Vaskovich (25)
212011, g. Magіlev,
ul.Krupskai, 99a, turma № 4.
Prokopenko Artem (25)
213004, Mogilyvskaya oblast,
g.Shklov, PK 17, otryad № 15
Syromolotov Pavel (25)
213030 Mogilyov,
Slavgorodskoe shosse, 3 km, PK № 19
The board of YEPP thanks you in advance for your activity.

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Youth of the European People's Party

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