Our choice is youth politics

This summer, during the warmest days of the year, while millions of young Europeans are partying hard at the beach holding colorful cocktails, some others, less tanned, are holding switched on microphones instead. They are called young politicians.   Their friends are asking them why they choose this instead of relaxing. Instead of tagging their […]

Party, sports and politics at the summer camp of MIERT

Our newest member of YEPP, the Hungarian Youth Council of Romania (MIERT), hosted the 10th Edition of their EU Camp in Marosfő, Romania. New Europe Now! Let’s build it together! – was more than the motto of the event. Young members of the parliament, MEP`s and more than 150 young participants took the future of […]

Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership

This article is my first blog for the website of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP). As elected board member I want to work on three political issues in the upcoming period: freedom of religion, fighting democratic deficit of the EU and further democratisation in Eastern Europe. With the Eastern Partnership Summit in […]

The years of first times – Farewell speech of Csaba Dömötör

“We cannot be the next generation if we take it for granted. No great generation was born without fighting hard for it. But I am optimistic. I believe you can be the next great generation, because YEPP is now much more than a group of talented individuals, it is now a great community of committed […]

YEPP at Mlada Slovenija (MSi) Congress 2013

A sizeable number of delagates from the wider YEPP family attended the 2013 Congress of Mlada Slovenija as invited guests. The event was held in the beautiful Alpine town of Bled. I had the honour to represent YEPP at this event and was pleased to get the opportunity to address our Slovenian colleagues on Saturday, […]

YEPP at the European Economic & Social Committee (EESC)

JESC Project for Active Citizenship EESC: January 31, 2013 Brussels This morning, I had the pleasure of addressing a gathering of the European Economic & Social Committee and the Jesuit European Social Centre at the EESC Building in Brussels. The topic of the conference was “Active Citizenship” and was held to present the breakthrough JESC […]

Dear Santa, please bring change to Greece.

Last week was a good week for Greece. Here is what happened: – Credit rating agencies upgraded the economy by 6 degrees, after a record of consecutive downgrades for 2 years now. – The European Central Bank is buying again state bonds from Greece. – A Greek billionaire, blamed for tax fraud of 701 million […]

YEPP at Princeton EU-US Transatlantic Conference

YEPP sent 15 delegates to participate in a transatlantic youth conference at Princeton University, New Jersey from December 6th to 9th 2012. It sought to expose academics to politicians and encourage the exchange of ideas among future global leaders. YEPP participants took part in all nine workings groups each of which produced a report or […]

Cyber Police needed! Transatlantic Youth Conference at Princeton University

At the European Youth Parliament at the Princeton University the participants of the working group EU-US Security: Assessment and Relations worked on a the topic of cyper security and its challanges in the 21st century and beyond. The WG prepared a policy proposal. The group consisted of people from the US, Germay, Italy, Sweden and […]