
Can the EU be a Global Trade Leader in the years ahead?

Youth of the European People's Party

Valencia, Spain – Can the EU be a global trade leader in the years ahead? What needs to be done for European companies and for young entrepreneurs to thrive? Should new partnerships be explored and how will BREXIT affect the EU? These were just a few of the topics that were discussed during the Conference titled ‘A Youth Vision for a Competitive Europe’ held in Valencia over last weekend. The Conference welcomed over 80 young politicians coming from 31 European countries and distinguished guests from both politics and the private sector.

Speaking at the event, YEPP President, Lidia Pereira, said: In times of political and trade instability along with significant societal changes, the world is witnessing the rise of new powers and the consolidation of emerging economies. It is crucial that we explore how Europe can live up to the challenges of remaining a top global player.”

Pablo Casado, President of Partido Popular, delivered the keynote speech of the conference. Casado emphasised that the answer to tackling inequality is through job creation.  “Europe represents 7% of the world’s population, 25% of the world’s GDP and 54% of worlds social expenses.” He continued to address the challenges brought by the technological changes: “We are the verge of the fourth industrial revolution which will disrupt our way of life as any of the previous ones. We should not be afraid but embrace the opportunities brought by this change. The most digitally advanced countries have the lowest rates of unemployment. The most open economies have the lowest rates of poverty. We should not give in to the fear served to us by the left.”

Members of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP) discussed and adopted resolutions to address the key issues that the European Union faces today. Among the policy papers were Better  Control of Chinese  Investments in Europe, Ending the privilege of the aviation fuel tax exemption in Europe and Providing an Environment That Will Foster Competitiveness in The EU

The event was organised together with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and hosted by NNGG-  the youth branch of Partido Popular.

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Youth of the European People's Party

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