
Basic Values

Youth of the European People's Party

Human dignity
YEPP affirms the inalienable dignity of every human being. We regard every man and every woman as unique, irreplaceable, and free by nature. Every person has the right and the duty to be fully responsible for himself and his acts. The protection of human rights is inseparably linked with the protection of the rights of ethnic, cultural and/or religious minorities.

Economy and social policy
The concept of market economy and competition is central to our approach to the economic life. Together with democracy it makes it possible to achieve freedom through the decentralisation of power. The economic and social systems are inseparably linked to each other according to the principle “as much market as possible, as much state as necessary”. We consider that it is vital to ensure social justice and solidarity based on partnership and participation at all levels, non governmental and governmental, local, national, and international.

We believe in the European Union, as it stands for a future of freedom and security, progress, prosperity and solidarity. European Union membership must be available to all countries of the European continent that meet the requirements of democracy, human rights and market economy. Hand in hand with the enlargement must go further integration. For us there is no alternative to European integration.

Our concept of man calls for management of the earth with respect for the self-regenerating potential of nature. Protection of the environment and the concept of sustainable development are bound up with that of responsible growth and must be incorporated into every policy, at every level of power. Political, social and economic action must be geared to ensure that all potential is safeguarded for future generations.

We believe in the sovereignty of states which enables them to work freely and as well as they can to ensure the well-being and development of their people and to defend and reinforce the international legal order. This also means, however, that states must share their sovereignty in supranational and international organisations where they cannot take effective action individually. The European Union as a decentralised community of nations and peoples, not as a unitary super state, must take in account local, regional, national and European levels according to the principle of subsidiarity.

Each human being within society depends on others. Because they are free, responsible and interdependent, people must take part in the construction of a pluralist society. The family has a central role in such a society.

Our thoughts and political actions are based on fundamental, interdependent, equally important, and universally applicable values: freedom, responsibility, fundamental equality, justice and solidarity.

We consider that democracy is the only political system supporting and protecting the integral development of the individual. There is no alternative to democracy and the rule of law.

Peace and security
We believe in the need of a common security architecture for Europe to guarantee the peace, stability and freedom of the continent.

It is the citizens of the European Union who by their support give it its legitimation. The European Union requires the active participation of European citizens. Europe is not – and cannot be – the affair of governments alone.

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Youth of the European People's Party

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