YEPP is the youth organisation of the European People’s Party

Uniting 63 Centre-Right youth groups from 39 countries, YEPP is Europe’s largest political youth organization since 1997. We work closely with the EPP and engage internationally, aiming to connect and train young leaders for Europe’s future. Our mission: drive European integration, stand by our principles, and shape the political discourse.

What do we care about?

Core values we believe at YEPP

Meet Our Board Members

The YEPP Board is elected every two years. The current Board was elected at the 14th YEPP Congress of June 2023, in Braga, Portugal.

Lídia Pereira
Organization: JSD – Juventude Social Democrata
Heidi Hanhela
Secretary General
Organization: KNL – Kokoomuksen Nuorten Liitto

Meet Our Office

Chiara Notonica
Administrative and Events Coordinator
Danilo Bussi
Executive Officer