Our History

A Journey Through Time

Founded in January 1997 in Brussels, the Youth of the European People’s Party emerged as a unifying force for 42 youth political organizations affiliated with the European People’s Party. Over its history, YEPP has navigated ideological diversity and geopolitical challenges, evolving under the leadership of dedicated presidents who shaped its role in European politics. From fostering digital engagement to confronting economic crises and navigating populist waves, YEPP continues to influence European discourse and policy into the 21st century.


YEPP is born

On 21 January 1997, almost 300 people representing 42 youth political organisations gathered for a weekend of debate and discussion at the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis in Brussels. The event would become the Founding Congress of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP) and was the final step in a long journey towards building a single European umbrella organisation of youth parties affiliated with the European People’s Party.


Building trust

Frederik Reinfeldt is elected first president of YEPP facing the fundamental challenge of asserting YEPP’s as the single organisation representing such a broad scope of member parties and breaking off former disruptions. Central to this was building trust and bridging the ideological and geographical gaps in its members


Internet era

It was at YEPP’s second Congress, held in Lisbon from 4-7 March 1999 that Michael Hahn was elected President. At that time YEPP was intrigued by the revolution that the internet could bring seeking to understand its impact for politics and more broadly how it would change the nature and role of governments. While in the US, politics started experimenting with communication via internet, Europe was still behind in the process.


Broadening YEPP

The composition of YEPP’s third board was significant, as it was the first time with an election for the position of President, with outgoing Secretary-General Rutger-Jan Hebben (CDJA, the Netherlands) and Daniel Bautista (NNGG, Spain) competing for the post. Eventually, Hebben was elected. He outlined how this vision would be based on two pillars: broadening YEPP and deepening YEPP.


Towards Enlargement

YEPP’s fifth Congress was held from 17-20 March 2005 and saw David Hansen elected President alongside a new officer board. During Hansen’s mandate, the Board renewed its efforts to deepen links in Europe’s neighbourhood by hosting seminars in both the Balkans and South Caucus regions as well as having YEPP delegations participate in conferences in Russia and China.


YEPP's VI Congress

The mandate of Yannis Smrylis began upon his election at YEPP’s VI and 10 Anniversary Congress in Stockholm under the title “Agenda Setting in Europe” from 10-13 May 2007. The Congress was held in partnership with YEPP’s Swedish member parties, the Young Christian Democrats (KDU) and the Young Moderates (MUF).


10th Anniversary

Selecting Stockholm as the location for this Congress was a somewhat poignant decision as, ten years after being elected as YEPP’s first President, Fredrik Reinfeldt had now been elected as Prime Minister of Sweden. Over the course of those ten years, YEPP had developed into the largest youth political organisation in Europe.


YEPP's 7th President

At the VII YEPP Congress in Rome from 2-5 April 2009, Laurent Schouteten was elected the seventh YEPP President after defeating the incumbent Yannis Smyrlis in a moment of high political drama.


First President from Central and Eastern Europe

Csaba Dömötör became YEPP’s first president from Central and Eastern Europe when he was elected at the VIII Congress held in Berlin from 12-15 May 2011 under the title How to Finance the European Union in the 21st Century. At the time, Europe was in the midst of economic despair. The Financial Crisis harshly hit Member States. Europe’s young people were experiencing the crisis particularly keenly, facing the prospect of mass emigration, lifelong debt as repayment for emergency measures and youth unemployment rates.


Youth Employment Campaign

It was at YEPP’s IX Congress in Sofia on 14 May 2013 that Kostas Kyranakis was elected as YEPP’s 9th President. Speaking after his election, Kyranakis pinpointed the 2014 European elections as a priority for his mandate, pitching it as a battle between the centre-right and populism. Kostas would become the first YEPP leader to succeed in being re-elected. Under his leadership, YEPP continued its heavy campaigning on the issue of job creation and youth unemployment.


Navigating challenges

YEPP in the Digital World Dubrovnik, Croatia was the location for YEPP’s 11th Congress when Andrianous Giannou (TNL) was elected YEPP President. In his acceptance speech, Giannou outlined a forward-looking agenda, identifying the future of labour, the future of work and, indeed, the future of Europe as his priority policy areas. At the time, Europe was engulfed in a wave of political populism. The election of Donald Trump as US President and the decision by UK voters to vote to leave the European Union, projected uncertainties on the future of politics. A challenge that YEPP’s Future of Europe paper, adopted at the congress, addressed.


Lídia Pereira: First Female President

Lídia Pereira became YEPP’s 12th President and first female President when she was elected at the Congress in Athens in November 2018. A strategic priority of Pereira’s mandate was boosting the organisation’s profile on social media and harnessing the power of YEPP’s network across Europe to position YEPP as an agenda-setter in Brussels. In April 2024, Pereira also became the first YEPP president to be elected Vice-Chair of the EPP Group, the highest office held by a YEPP representative in its history.


Transatlantic Youth Summit

Under Pereira’s leadership, YEPP has worked to renew the transatlantic relationship among the next generation of political leaders. In November 2022, Pereira became the first YEPP President to participate in the Transatlantic Legislatures Dialogue in Washington D.C, a policy exchange forum between MEPs and US representatives. In the summer 2023, YEPP re-launched the Transatlantic Youth Summit, with the first edition of the conference since 2015.


Recent Developments

During the 14th YEPP Congress in Braga, Portugal, Lídia Pereira was reelected as the President of YEPP, reaffirming her commitment to forward-thinking leadership. In 2024, she was re-elected as a Member of the European Parliament for her second mandate, and as Vice-President of the EPP Group, marking a historic moment for YEPP.